Saturday, April 30, 2011

Live Stock Market Quotes (NSE) in .NET(C#)

This program extracts live stock price information from yahoo website. It can be included in our application to get usage of NSE stock quotes.

I have tried a lot to find a webservice which give NSE stock quotes, unfortunately I didn't find any. So I came into this decision to make a program which uses other websites like yahoo, rediff and msn. Finally I got a solution by writing the following application.

This program will give you live NSE stock quotes.

    public class StockQuote
        public decimal LastPrice { set; get; }

        public decimal PreviousClose { set; get; }

        public decimal Open { set; get; }

        public DateTime LastTraded { set; get; }

        public string LastTradedString { set; get; }

        public decimal DayLow { set; get; }

        public decimal DayHigh { set; get; }

        public decimal FiftyTwoWeekLow { set; get; }

        public decimal FiftyTwoWeekHigh { set; get; }


    public enum Exchange
        NSE, BSE

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace StocksToBuy
    public class YahooStockQuote

        public StockQuote GetQuote(string symbol, Exchange exchange)
                string url = "";
                if (exchange == Exchange.NSE)
                    url += symbol.ToUpper() +
                    url += symbol.ToUpper() +
                string webPage = null;
                HttpWebRequest webRequest;
                HttpWebResponse webResponse;
                webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
                Stream pageStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pageStream);
                webPage = sr.ReadToEnd();
                int startIndex;
                int endIndex;
                int tempStartIndex;
                int tempEndIndex;
                string temp;
                // Last Traded Value 
                startIndex = webPage.IndexOf("Last Trade:</th><td class=\"yfnc_tabledata1\"><big><b>") + 52;
                endIndex = webPage.IndexOf("</b>", startIndex);
                temp = webPage.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
                tempStartIndex = temp.IndexOf('>') + 1;
                tempEndIndex = temp.IndexOf('<', tempStartIndex);
                string lastPrice = temp.Substring(tempStartIndex, tempEndIndex - tempStartIndex);

                // Last Trade Time 
                startIndex = webPage.IndexOf("Trade Time:</th><td class=\"yfnc_tabledata1\">", endIndex) + 44;
                endIndex = webPage.IndexOf("</td>", startIndex);
                temp = webPage.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
                tempStartIndex = temp.IndexOf('>') + 1;
                tempEndIndex = temp.IndexOf('<', tempStartIndex);
                string lastTradeTime = temp.Substring(tempStartIndex, tempEndIndex - tempStartIndex);

                // Previous close 
                startIndex = webPage.IndexOf("Prev Close:</th><td class=\"yfnc_tabledata1\">", endIndex) + 44;
                endIndex = webPage.IndexOf('<', startIndex);
                string previousClose = webPage.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                //Open price 
                startIndex = webPage.IndexOf("Open:</th><td class=\"yfnc_tabledata1\">", endIndex) + 38;
                endIndex = webPage.IndexOf('<', startIndex);
                string open = webPage.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                //Day Low and Day High 
                startIndex = webPage.IndexOf("Day's Range:</th><td class=\"yfnc_tabledata1\">", endIndex) + 45;
                endIndex = webPage.IndexOf("</td>", startIndex);
                temp = webPage.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
                tempStartIndex = temp.IndexOf("\">") + 2;
                tempEndIndex = temp.IndexOf('<', tempStartIndex);
                string dayLow = temp.Substring(tempStartIndex, tempEndIndex - tempStartIndex);
                tempStartIndex = temp.IndexOf("\">", tempEndIndex) + 2;
                tempEndIndex = temp.IndexOf('<', tempStartIndex);
                string dayHigh = temp.Substring(tempStartIndex, tempEndIndex - tempStartIndex);

                //52 Week Low and 52 Week High 
                startIndex = webPage.IndexOf("Range:</th><td class=\"yfnc_tabledata1\"><", endIndex) + 39;
                endIndex = webPage.IndexOf("</td>", startIndex);
                temp = webPage.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
                tempStartIndex = temp.IndexOf('>') + 1;
                tempEndIndex = temp.IndexOf('<', tempStartIndex);
                string Fifty2WeekLow = temp.Substring(tempStartIndex, tempEndIndex - tempStartIndex);
                tempStartIndex = temp.IndexOf('>', temp.IndexOf('-')) + 1;
                tempEndIndex = temp.IndexOf('<', tempStartIndex);
                string Fifty2WeekHigh = temp.Substring(tempStartIndex, tempEndIndex - tempStartIndex);

                return new StockQuote
                    LastPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(lastPrice),
                    DayHigh = Convert.ToDecimal(dayHigh),
                    DayLow = Convert.ToDecimal(dayLow),
                    FiftyTwoWeekHigh = Convert.ToDecimal(Fifty2WeekHigh),
                    FiftyTwoWeekLow = Convert.ToDecimal(Fifty2WeekLow),
                    LastTraded = Convert.ToDateTime(lastTradeTime),
                    Open = Convert.ToDecimal(open),
                    PreviousClose = Convert.ToDecimal(previousClose)
                return new StockQuote();